Coming Soon
If you're hosting a community yard sale, looking to attend a city-wide rummage sale, on the prowl for local moving sales, or awaiting the next estate sale, wait no more! We're working furiously to add some new features such as:
- Online therapy for yard sale addicts.
- More top-secret stuff... :)
Stay tuned for updates!
So, welcome to the online yard sale community. We're glad you're here!
Garage Sale Tips
If you're looking to have the best yard sale ever, be sure to check out our yard sale guide section where we share our decades of cumulative expertise on how to have a successful yard sale. Nothing is worse than spending your Saturday dejunking only to find that our wallet is only $10 fatter. We've spent countless weekends hunting for bargains and rummaging through other's trash to find our treasure, and we'll share all our advice with you - for free!
About Yard Sale Search
Welcome to the world's largest site for garage sale ads! Every month tens of thousands of yard sale fanatics come here in search of garage sale listings. We at Yard Sale Search work furiously to ensure that over 7 gazillion yard sales are posted every year, in every state imaginable (well, at least 50 of them!).