Yard Sale: Because My Closet Threw Up And It's Everywhere

125 W Academy St Clayton, NJ 08312

Garage/Yard Sale

125 W Academy St Clayton, NJ 08312
Sat, Jun 22, 2024 @ 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Hey there, deal hunters and dust collectors! Swing by my Yard Sale this weekend where I promise to sell you things I barely used, or never wanted in the first place. It’s a win-win: I declutter, you pretend you scored big.

📅 Date: Next Saturday 6/22
⏰ Time: I’ll be awake by 8 AM, so let’s start then until I’m over it around 2PM
📍 Location: 125 W. Academy Street – you can’t miss it, just follow the trail of regret.

Prepare yourself for an array of items including:

• Electronics that thought they’d see the light of day (spoiler: they didn’t).
• Books with that new book smell, because untouched.
• Decor items that’ll make you question my taste.

Bonus: Grab a free cup of what I call lemonade for enduring my sales pitch. It’s on the house till I run out or give up.

Come poke around my pile of broken dreams and help me make rent. Early birds get the best of my bad decisions!



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