Magnificent Downsizing Estate Sale In Mesquite
142 Hermosa Way Mesquite, NV 89027
Featured Estate Sale
Sat, Feb 22, 2025 @ 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Please help a senior in transition by coming tothisIn Person Estate Sale in Mesquite, NV onFebruary 21st and 22nd 9AM to 2PM This home has many vintage and antique furniture pieces, lots of vintage dolls and toys, some nice kitchen items, several pairs ofbrand new men's shoes size 10 and 11, a chest freezer, garage shelvingand a very impressive teacup collection from all over the United States. Everything is priced to sell because this very special lady whogrew up in New York is transitioning to a smaller home and is ready to let go of her and her familiescollections. We even have a few mystery boxes with dog items, garage items and craft items.
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142 Hermosa Way, Mesquite, NV, 89027 | 02/21/25 - 02/22/25 |
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