Furniture/Tool Sale At The Shed

3012 Highland Ave Montgomery, AL 36107

Garage/Yard Sale

3012 Highland Ave Montgomery, AL 36107
Sat, Mar 1, 2025 @ 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Saturday, March 1, 8:00 - 11:00 AM
3012 Highland Ave

Hosted by The Shed, a local recovery home. We have more items than shown above, though a few items pictured may be sold. Sale is inside the house and out back. Cash only.

*Tools - power tools, hand tools, wood, fasteners, shop storage, 2-wheel trailer
*Furniture - bed frames, tables, chairs, loveseats, dressers, china cabinet, bookshelves, and more
*Outdoor - metal table, lounge chair, pool steps
*Random - fishing lures, bicycle, stationary bike, tons of metal signs, fridge, vintage cameras, and more!

Sorry, we are unable to hold items before the sale.



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