Clean Out Estate Sale In Western Branch Chesapeake

2504 Drum Creek Rd Chesapeake, VA 23321

Estate Sale

2504 Drum Creek Rd Chesapeake, VA 23321
Sat, Mar 8, 2025 @ 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sun, Mar 9, 2025 @ 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Southern Charm Estate Sales is back in Western Branch area of Chesapeake clearing out the Baccus estate. The house has been sold and everything has to go. We have 7 rooms full in the house and 2 garages. There is something for everyone. Some of the highlighted items are: Furniture:MCM bedroom furniture,industrial desk,dressers, drop leaf table, chairs, rocker, side tables, coffee tables, child’s desk & chair, barstools, corner china cabinet, sideboard, desk, turtle footstool, harp tables, corner shelf, trunk, oak table w/6 chairs, recliner,desk w/hutch, Kitchen & Dining:Jadeite, Pyrex, Corning Ware, vintage porcelain cookware w/strawberry motif,, Blue Willow dish set, Capodimonte, cast iron pans,milk glass, MCM glassware, Ironstone, Miami Dolphin mugs, Jewel Tea, ham pot, canning pot & jars, Utility: Washer & dryer, vacuums, heaters, fans, 2 chest freezers,vintage GE refrigerator, new Harbor Breezeceiling fan Garage: Model T Ford tire pump, Ford advertising gasoline gauge rulers, fishing tackle & reels, truck mirrors,GE floor fan,rough cut lumber,Rock Island bench vice, industrial cabinets & carts,yard tools, power tools, shelving, weed eaters, tool boxes, CB’s, old locks, edgers, blower, ramps, pattern cabinet, chemicals, bird bath, yard art, Pine Statemilk crates, chains, car parts, hand tools, hand cart, ladders, utility trailer, large fryers, vintage suitcases, laundry cart, electrical & plumbing supplies, welding machine, scrap wire, scrap metal, vintage art decolightfixtures, painting supplies, planters Decor: Mirrors, seashell lamps, framed art, wooden carved last supper wall art, Knick knacks, roosters, dogs, nautical items, wooden ducks, Asian art on rice paper, Spanish art on felt, cats,art deco glass swan, Carnival glass,Lefton figures,mantle clocks, quilts, afghan, holiday, glass paper weights, fireplace fender, loop rugs Other: antique telephones,WWII patches, luggage, mink scarfs, hats, vintage lounge chair, beach umbrella Jewelry: costume, watches Music & Books: record players, books, 45’s vinyl records, projector, camera lense {{{PARKING: NARROW STREET, DEEP DITCHES}}}*****PARK ON TRUMPET ROAD (side street)PLEASE DON’T BLOCK MAILBOXES OR DRIVEWAYS*****>>>>LOOK FOR ESTATE SALE SIGNS<<<<++++++++BRING A FRIEND++++++++



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