Morning Glory Estate Sales: 2 Day Sale In Alameda - Friday & Saturday

1142 Holly St Alameda, CA 94502

Estate Sale

1142 Holly St Alameda, CA 94502
Fri, Mar 14, 2025 @ 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sat, Mar 15, 2025 @ 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

This Friday and Saturday, March 14th and 15th, Morning Glory Estate Sales is in Alameda. This townhome has great quality furniture for your shopping pleasure. Some of the beautiful items in this sale include: 2 living room sets; a seatdining room set with extra leaves; an elevated table and 4 chairdiningset; 3 queen size bedroom sets, including a 4-post bed and 2 sleigh bed sets with matching dressers; multiple flat screen televisions and television stands; kitchenalia; quality men's clothing in size XXL and men's shoes; multiple sports jerseys and clothing, including San Francisco 49ers and Giants, Burnley Football Club, England Football National Team and golf clothing (all in size XXL); a mountain bike and road bike; multiple freezers; Elliptical trainer; 2 vacuum cleaners; garage items, including 2 ladders; and anoutdoor picnic table. Please see out photos for the many other treasures you will find in this home. This is a cash only sale! Customers will be responsible for the removal of furniture and items purchased during sale times and dates only. Please bring your own boxes, bags, and wrapping paper for your purchases. We look forward to seeing you there!



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