Windsong Estate Sale

10608 Strawberry Hl Oklahoma City, OK 73130

Estate Sale

10608 Strawberry Hl Oklahoma City, OK 73130
Fri, Mar 14, 2025 @ 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sat, Mar 15, 2025 @ 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

What an estate sale this will be!! Everything including the kitchen sink is for sale. This home will be for sale also. The whole home, huge enclosed patio and backyard is full. The enclosed patio is full of hand tools, electric and battery operated grinders, drills and saws, etc. Every kind of hand tool imaginable, grills, flower pots, compressor, ladders, fire pit, big black and yellow totes, yard tools, gas and electric yard tools.
Shoes, boots, very nice clothing, Levi's, lots of jeans, Midwest City Bomber jackets and t-shirts, OU clothing like crazy. caps, suitcases, furniture, many new Scentsy's, the light bulbs and wax, shelves that go on the wall (every size, material, and decor look), every OU items you can imagine was in this sweet man's OU Room, lots of vintage Christmas that I've never seen before, many decorator items, Taco Bell dogs, two flat screen TV's, a new HP Printer, and lots of electronic pieces, and speakers like crazy. huge supply of yarn, roll top desk that locks and we have the key, books, DVD's and CD's. Craftsman standing and rolling and locking tool chest. Outdoor Bean Bag game, lots of kitchen items, new meat slicer, Disney drinking glass collection and many other collections.



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