Estate Sale By Estate Liquidators

1007 Oleander St Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Estate Sale

1007 Oleander St Lake Jackson, TX 77566
Fri, Mar 28, 2025 @ 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sat, Mar 29, 2025 @ 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Another fun sale this week ! Ya want collectibles ? We got em. Vintage sequinned and beaded ornaments ? We got em. Items from Australia ? We have those, too. MCM your thing ? It’s here also. Beautiful home, and lovely items in it, for shopping fun. The sale is in Lake Jackson, at 1007 Oleander, in Flagridge. It will be Friday, March 28th, and Saturday, March 29th. 9:00a.m.-2:p.m., both days. The sign-up sheet will go out around 8:00 on Friday morning, and we’ll begin calling names in around 8:45. Friday is the day that the garbage scow will lumber through, so please leave room for them to squeeze by. Don’t block driveways, fire hydrants, or the street. Please note that we have tried really hard to not charge our customers the “convenience” fees that so many companies are charging, but our credit card company just went up on the percentage that I’m being charged. So, we’re going to try something a little bit different. There will be a flat $2.00 charge on any/all credit card purchases less than $20.00. Cash is always a great choice. We do collect sales tax. ALL customers will pay sales tax, NO EXEMPTIONS ! We accept cash and credit cards. There will be no small children allowed in the sale areas, unless carried at all times. No strollers or large bags will be allowed in the sale areas, please. Estate Liquidators does not supply carriers, haulers, nor pack mules. Ypu’ll need to find a way to have your purchases moved. Items in the sale include: Very nice furniture, many mid-century items, Willow Tree items, bed/bath/table linens, comforter sets, vintage quilts, many American Girl items, (even the stable and horses !), Waterford, holiday decor, vintage sequined/beaded ornaments, beautiful vintage dressy hand bags, Brahimin purse, large framed Windbergs, “Companions in Nature” and Canyon Gold”, framed original art, Hoover Tempo vacuum, nice upholstered chairs, antique “lyre” base accent table, vintage dark blue velvet sofa, decorative pillows, floor and table lamps, lava lamps, small chandelier, oak dining table cut down to become a coffee table, brass and copper items, antique twin head board and frame, unique Candlewick serving bowl, individual salts, vintage Pyrex, Corning, Descoware, cookware-West Bend-Revere-Premiere, amber depression glass, Nippon cups, Gotham “Laurin” crystal, cast iron, Murano, Grainware platter, Lenox “Kingston”, retro serving ware, ice buckets, Corelle, Kyoto”Clarisse” china, Staffordshire, vintage milk glass, many silver plate serving pieces of Rogers, Poole, Reed & Barton, large pressed glass punch bowl, punch cups, lovely vintage cruet set, Fostoria American, vintage Obon trays, crushed paua shell tray, Prado glassware, board games, puzzles, Lane cedar chest, boxes of frames, cat figurines, including a lovely Herend kitty, Lefton, nativity set, (there’s an extra stable, if ya need one), Perspecta mid-century bed, tall chest, dresser w/mirror, bedside tables, cute ’60’s vanity table, Tori Richards Hawaiian print garments, Australian collectibles and art, small German steins, diminutive Hull “magnolia” pitchers, Fitz and Floyd items, vintage Karl Klette “four seasons” angels, large collection of angels antique fern stand, Mud Pie serving bowls, vintage Singer 301a sewing machine, sewing notions, cleaning supplies, folding tables, folding chairs, boxes of kitchen utensils, small kitchen appliances, microwave, refrigerator, small upright freezer, many vintage children’s toys, file cabinets, office desk, wheel chair, tool box, small selection of tools, large planters, and a LOT more !!! Hope to see everyone there. Our next sales are going to be fun, one is south of Angleton, it’s filled with beautiful Lladro, Swarovski, vintage Hummels, china, crystal, and gorgeous jewelry, next one is in Angleton, it has lovely items, a huge craft area, then a sale on the San Bernard River, with a shop packed full of automotive tools, a restored visible gas pump, a restored brass cash register, even a large wooden Indian ! We have, at our next sale, a beautiful leather sofa, with a recliner at each end, that we would love to pre-sell, before the actual sale, we neeeeeed the room ! If you’re interested, send me a text, I’ll send you the information and price.



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Photos Sales Date
1007 Oleander St, Lake Jackson, TX, 77566 03/28/25 - 03/29/25